Friday, February 12

winter wonderland

Meet snowman. The snow has finally stopped and when we looked out the front door yesterday afternoon, we saw our neighbor with her dog, along with other neighbors playing in the snow. Belly said she wanted to go out too, so we took the requisite 10 minutes to get her dressed up in all of her gear -- consisting of snow suit, 2-part jacket, hat, mittens and wellies. We put bulilit in her snowsuit as well (looking like a little bear, by the way) and ventured out in the 3ft snow drifts.

After a bit of playing, belly decided she wanted to build a snowman, so while E and bulilit went inside (bulilit's face was beginning to resemble a tomato), belly and i started working on the snowman.

after building the snowman, belly turns to me and says, "we need eyes and a nose and a scarf." when i asked her what we should use for eyes and nose, she says, "booberries and a carrot." so we had daddy grab the stuff for us (dimes replaced blueberries for eyes) and voila, snowman was born.

belly then claimed, "snowman needs a friend." so we set to work on a friend (after convincing her that we should make another snowMAN versus a snowSNAKE). luckily, the sun was shining down on us so at least we weren't absolutely freezing.

after we were done, we went inside to finish making dinner, then sat down at the table to eat together. after everyone was done, we watched, what else, Yo Gabba Gabba. Over dinner, E and I just smiled at each other.

i'm totally thankful for afternoons/evenings like THAT.


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