Friday, January 14

mmm food

i don't remember when i started liking taho. i do remember watching my mom eat it, tasting it and thinking it was kind of gross.

but over the years i guess my palette must have changed, and now i love the stuff. and because it's kind of hard to find/get, i decided i'd try to recreate at home. i tweaked a few of the recipes i found online, and came up with a delicious version that hits the spot when i'm craving taho.

2/3 c brown sugar
1 1/3 c water
1 package lite silken tofu

Make a simple syrup with brown sugar and water, heating it over low heat. Scoop about 4 Tbsp of silken tofu into a bowl and microwave for 45-60 seconds (depending on your microwave's power). Spoon syrup onto tofu, to your liking.

Should serve about 6.

Thursday, January 6

today i'm thankful for...

dancing on my knees with my sweet faced bulilit
dancing on the wii with my competitive husband
smiles on the faces of my babygirls
my husband's laughter
feeling blessed.

thankful for good memories

had to run home last night and when we got back to my parents' house around 11pm, i could hear teenagers chatting in the cold night air. i could picture my neighbors sitting around the back deck, talking and laughing with friends and remembered when that was me... hanging out in the backyard with friends, making plans and reliving moments.