Wednesday, August 17

Memories: Emerald Cove

During my teenage years, I was completely slightly obsessed with the Mickey Mouse Club, but especially with Emerald Cove, its serial show within a show. I had a few episodes on VHS, but all my VHS players broke over the past couple years, so I have not been able to watch them in forever. And YouTube searches always proved fruitless.

That is, until I noticed the most recent updates of one of the channels I subscribe to, TheMMCchannel.

I'm in heaven.

Tuesday, August 16

Wishing on a star

Belly was sick today, so i let her watch videos in my office as long as she was laying down on the bed in my office. The Little Star episode of Dora the Explorer came on and toward the end, Dora asks, "What are you wishing for?"

I hear belly's soft, sick whisper, "I wish Mommy will play with me."

heart breaks.
Photo from Amazon.

Monday, August 15

good day

the weather was unusally beautiful for an august day so the kids went to the playground at the nearby elementary school twice today (before and after nap). what made me smile is, ten years ago almost to the day, their parents were on their first real date and stopped by the exact same playground.

it's so fun to watch them playing on big kid (okay, kindergarten-acceptable) equipment, but it's bittersweet as i realize that my girls are no longer babies (hello! preschool starts in just a few weeks.).

belly and bulilit tend to have a love-hate relationship, so it's always nice to hear them playing nicely together and talking to each other, having real conversations.

at bathtime, the two become engrossed in water play. tonight, belly facilitated a conversation between her little mermaid doll and mermaid dora.

overall, good day.

Saturday, August 6


ami to belly, explaining that they are going on vacation: we're going to turkey.
belly: do you have a house there too??

Wednesday, August 3

funny for the day

i was coming in from an errand and walk in from the garage. i spy bulilit on a step stool in the kitchen, holding a box of whoppers which had been hidden up on a shelf. she realizes she's been caught, smiles at me and says, "only one!"

Tuesday, August 2

preview of the teen years

belly had a hard time at soccer camp today. she wasn't happy when i told her i was not going to run drills with her, so she ended up crying through most of the camp. i pulled her aside, embarrassed by her behavior and was trying to talk sternly to her. she was still hysterical so i kept asking her to calm down so i could talk to her. she would answer back forcefully, "I AM CALMED DOWN!"

i then told her if she didn't want to play with the other kids, then she could just sit there and watch, but that i was done talking to her. her reply?

"well, if you're done talking to me, then i'm done talking to you!"

this does not bode well for when she turns 13.