Wednesday, May 18

kawawa bulilit

had to take bulilit to the opthamologist because of a blocked tear duct that she's had since she was an infant. as we sat in the exam room, she was watching toy story, finding nemo and dora to keep her distracted. As the nurse was going through different visual tests -- the usual eye chart, except with pictures instead of letters -- she would call out, "horsey! hand! dumbo!"

For the depth perception test, she clawed at the air for the ones that "stood out." We had to wait for the doctor, so got sent back out to the waiting room. as we sat there, bulilit turns to me and says, "go mama!"

Since her eyes were dilated, the nurse warned me that the sun would be especially bright to her. Luckily, it was an overcast day so I wasn't too concerned. When we made our way out, bulilit turns her face into my shoulder and complains it's too bright. I gave her her sunglasses to try and shield the (very little) sun. Poor baby. As soon as I got her buckled in the car, she passed out! Guess the doctor's appointment took a lot out of her.

Thursday, May 12

booboo chicken

"Mommy, you look like a chicken!"

That's what my daughter said to me this morning as I was trying on dresses.

"Why do I look like like a chicken?" I asked her.

"Because Donald Duck has a chicken, Booboo chicken, and he has a long tail," she explained.

Oh. Makes perfect sense now. Thanks, Belly.

Friday, May 6

best part of my day

overhearing the girls playing, belly is obviously the mommy and bulilit is the baby.

belly: ok, time to go to sleep.
bulilit: brush teeth!
belly: ok, brush teeth. say "eee."
bulilit: eat that! lollipop!
belly: i already told you, no more lollipops.
bulilit: i'm eating it!
belly: ok, time for bed.
bulilit: night everybody!
belly: go to sleep. (pause) are you itching?
bulilit: no.
belly: want to lay down on my tummy?
buliilt: yeah. (pause) i want mommy.
belly: no. you want to go to randall? you're going to randall!

(in case you're wondering, randall is randall from monsters inc. used to be the only thing that would scare bulilit into going to bed, but now she asks to go into the closet with randall. there goes that.)

Tuesday, May 3

reverse roles

After I finished working today, I made my way downstairs to get in some playtime with the kids. Belly's new game is playing mommy, and making me the baby. It's weird to hear what you sound like to your child. Belly is very strict, putting me in the corner and telling me I'm nasty. We played like we were out shopping, in the car and she says, "We're going home, you're going to the corner. I'm leaving you with randall!"

Also, at camp a few weeks ago, she learned how to play "Fish, fish, shark" (aka "Duck, Duck, Goose"), so we play every so often. The first time I played with her, I was in shock -- Belly is FAST! It probably didn't help that I was slowed down by Bulilit, who wanted to ride on my back every time Belly picked me as the Shark. Fun times.