Tuesday, May 11

so. tired.

what's this? a post on a consecutive day? WOW!

I discovered a new blog over the weekend: Samster Mommy, written by the wife of the Kaneshow host on Hot 99.5. Read a few posts on mommy clothing and a few recipes and I like it so far!

Last night, we attempted all four of us in the bed. Bulilit woke up around 2am and - completley unlike her - played quietly in the bed. My indecisive child kept going from mommy's belly to daddy's belly, deciding which one was more comfortable to snuggle against. Eventually, daddy got annoyed and took her down to the lovesac. Of course, I ended up awake until 4. So i guess it's not much of a surprise that today was a rough day. On top of the overall tired feeling, belly was extra clingy today and I literally couldn't turn around for most of the day without bumping into her. Maybe it was the gloomy weather (which certainly made me feel all out of sorts and wanting to bury myself in the bed covers). I keep reminding myself that this too shall pass and there will come a day when she wants nothing to do with me. But that seems sooo far away.

Anyway, the gloomy, cold weather (in the middle of May!!! seriously, I had to turn the heat back on because it's so cold) means I'm back in sweatshirts and pajama pants and I think I'm going to go do what I wanted to do earlier... crawl into bed, watch some mindless television and be thankful for passing out before midnight!!


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