Tuesday, August 10

learning to potty

fair warning: this post may be TMI!!

bellys wearing big girl underwear!

sure, it was only for three mornings last week and she ran to the potty every 5 minutes because she thought she had to go, but she wore big girl underwear!! it was super cute watching her and bulilit switch back and forth on the potty. (because yes, bulilit is about 80% trained.)

however... since last week, no more underwear. a lot of it was me because we had places to go to where it was not convenient to run to the potty every 5 minutes. but it's belly too, going back to "i want to wear diapers!" so i try to get her on the potty whenever i think she's about to go, and it's worked two or three times (mostly before bed, go figure) but nothing consistent. it's utterly frustrating.

awful mommy confession time: even though i know it's necessary, i'm getting really sick of sitting with belly in the bathroom for 45+ minutes waiting for her to do something, anything on the potty. it invariably starts as, mommy my tummy hurts, i have to go! and i rush her to the potty and then ... nothing. we sit there. we read books. we play with the mirror. we look through the prize bag.

in fairness to belly, she does try. but she's so scared of going in her underwear that she'd rather sit on the potty for-e-ver than play in her underwear. and sometimes she actually DOES go, and we celebrate. and each time we go, i hope it's one of those times where she actually does go.

e is sooooo much more patient with the potty training than i am. he's on top of bulilit, watching for her signs and gets her to the potty as soon as she indicates she has to. he doesn't mind sitting with belly and encouraging her to try (maybe he does mind, but he never lets me know). maybe i should just leave the potty training to him.


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