Monday, October 25

empire state of mind

headed up to connecticut this weekend to celebrate my aunt/uncle's joint 60th birthday celebration. we had a packed car since we were also taking my parents plus smee. definitely thankful for the pilot!!

on the way up, we made our obligatory stop at jersey gardens. as much as i love it (and the VS outlet that has catalog returns/excess for dirt cheap), i'm glad we don't live near it because i would definitely buy that place out.

the girls had a good time running around the play area while smee and i got our quick shop on. heard belly even made a friend. :)

we continued on, and as much as i was dreading being in the car for 7-8 hours with 2 kids under the age of 4, it really wasn't as bad as i expected. we finally made it up to connecticut after some monster traffic on the merritt, and had some good times with family.

random good times from saturday:
-kings and charades with the cousins (and coming up with our own special ways for our team to guess "3D," "precious" and "my big fat greek wedding" -- as well as not being successful at guessing things like "avatar") ... and the aftermath (ha!)
-my convo with smee saturday night, laying in bed, whispering in the dark as belly slept

on our way back home on sunday, e took us on a "car tour of NYC" since we didn't really want to stop slash couldn't decide what area of midtown we wanted to park at and explore. of course, e had to stop at gray's papaya and i needed to find a nuts vendor. after that, we went to jersey city to take pictures of the NYC skyline and hunt down some good filipino food.

random good times on sunday:
(smee's hot nuts, literally)
-hot dogs from gray's papaya
-best pan de sal ever, warm and straight from the oven from PBH
-hilarious time: driving through Indian town three times because e couldn't find Max's or PBH!


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