Saturday, July 2

cousin time

i love watching the babies play.

today, my cousin came over to help us move some furniture in preparation for our move, and he brought bear along. bear and belly have always played really well together ever since they were babies (maybe due to the fact that bear's mommy would bring him over twice a week and watch belly for me while I worked). bulilit, meanwhile, loves bear and follows him around everywhere.

so the three of them are playing, running from the large family room in the basement into the bedroom and back out. bear and belly decide to get on the electric cars -- which nini and veh gave the girls for christmas -- and are driving them between the family room and bedroom. bulilit, not wanting to be left out, climbs into the cozy coupe and is trying to chase after them.

then, perhaps in a vengeful moment, bulilit one-ups her cousin and sister. bear and belly each have a 6" play ball, running after each other. bulilit, feeling left out, looks for one and disappears in the room. out come bear and belly yelling, followed by bulilit with a huge exercise ball!


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