Tuesday, October 25

not my typical post

(almost) verbatim google talk conversation i had with my brother today.

me: random question..if you were a 4 year old kid, and you saw another kid who cried a lot, but when you asked her to play, she doesn't even reply, what would you think of her?

bro: [completely inappropriate word to describe a 4 year old]

me: my word exactly (ed. note, use your imagination)

bro: go cry by yourself in a corner then. lol

me: so how do i explain to belly that the other kids don't play with her or talk to her b/c she acts like a snobby [inappropriate word]?

bro: LOL.

bro: I thought she tried to go play with someone

me: no. she keeps talking about this one girl, but i don't think they're friends. i heard today her supposed friend asked belly to do something, and belly didn't even respond.

bro: nasty

me: i know right?!? no wonder the kids at school don't play with her!! and apparently today, every time she saw bulilit's teacher in the hall, she asked her, "how's bulilit? is bulilit ok?"and the teacher was like, "yes, bulilit's fine. how are YOU?"


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