Monday, October 31

halloween hilarity

took the girls trick-or-treating tonight in the new (old) neighborhood. they did pretty good, i think this year they finally "get it." there are a good number of houses decorated for the occasion, but nothing too scary. doesn't matter anyway, because the girls start screaming at the second house we go to because a dog was at the door. literally, ear-splitting, blood-curdling screams all because a tiny dog is excited that people are at the door. ooo-kayyy.

as we're walking along, we're talking about dogs and belly states, "bulilit is allergic to dogs." to which bulilit replies, "we don't eat dogs!"

after being out for about an hour and a half, belly asks if we can go home. bulilit protests, "no! i want to trick or treat!" so e and i split the girls up, he takes bulilit and belly and i start heading home.


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