Sunday, October 30

more funnies from the "blizzard" ...
  • e building a tiny snowman and putting it on the porch to save. belly comes up to it, pulls her knee to her chest and stomps on it. e asks, "why'd you stomp it?" and belly replies, "because it's funny."
  • bulilit to ami in the car after we played with snowballs, "you like balls!!"
  • belly making snowballs and throwing them, then yelling "BOOM! ANGRY BIRDS!" (maybe she was thinking of this?)

today, we had the redskins game on (don't ask me why .... sigh). belly, ever the politician, yells, "go redskins! go giants-skins!" (please note, the giants were not playing. it was the skins vs the bills. but the bills *are* blue just like the giants.) bulilit pipes in, "goooo basketball!!"

okay bulilit.


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