Saturday, August 21

fun times in charm city

today we went to the baltimore aquarium with all the kids. the mommies had been talking about it for a little bit and we decided the kids were old enough to appreciate it. so bright and early saturday morning, we packed up belly and bulilit to head to bmore and meet up with ballerina and her family as well as bear and his mommy.

all week, belly was excited about seeing the dolphins. practically the minute we walked in, she was chanting, 'dolphins, i want to see dolphins!' it was fun, though ... we got to see almost everything -- turtles, sting rays, sharks, puffins, jellyfish and yes, the dolphins. it was adorable seeing all 6 kids oohing and ahhing over things.

after we got back to my parents' house, the girls and i played rock band on the wii and then played outside. it was so nice sitting on the porch in the warm afternoon sun, feeling the slight breeze on my skin.

good day.


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