Sunday, August 8

ain't no party like a fam party

so august is the big birthday month in our family (though there are definitely other months gaining on that status as our extended family gets bigger!). which means parties galore. we were at a fam party on saturday night and -- i say it all the time -- i love fam parties. for the simple fact that i don't have to watch my kids at a fam party. there is a plethora of other, eager relatives who would much rather play with/feed my kids than do anything else (btw, thanks for that fam!). which also means that e and i actually get to enjoy a meal without chasing after toddlers and we get to have conversations with other people. novel, i tell ya.

when we got home after the party -- way past bedtime but i'm learning to control my sleep nazi ways -- i was putting belly to bed and the girl would not. shut. up. about the party.

"mommy, i had fun at smarie's house. i was sitting with smarie and she uppied me so i could see the cake and, and, and, bear was with mita, cuz mita uppied bear so he could blow the cake, and then i was playing with daddy and ballerina and then bear and i were running around and then smarie gave me her silly bandz, look! i have dinosaurs! and i gave my silly bands to smarie, a octopus and a fishy, and then i ate with punky, and i looooovvvvveeee smarie." (names have been changed to protect the innocent. or rather, nicknames have been used, as per usual.)



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