Thursday, August 5

a different kind of list

and now a break from your regularly scheduled programming... as well-intentioned as this blog may be, i don't want to pretend that it's all sunshine and roses in my life. oh no, there is a TON that annoys me/frustrates me/upsets me (and in all honesty, it usually goes in my other, private blog). so just to break up the monotony of the uplifting/hilarious/thoughtful posts, here are the top ten things that ruffle my feathers (in no particular order):

-making kids evil in films/tv. kids are supposed to be innocent!

-heading out on an errand, starting the car and finding the gas light on.

-when the dvr cuts the last 5 minutes of a show.

-people who make accusations without any basis.

-chewing with your mouth open.

-people who take up 2 parking spaces.

-drivers who don't turn right on red.

-when people confuse you're and your.

-fingernails across a chalkboard.

-not realizing there's no more toilet paper until it's too late.

now that i've gotten that off my chest, back to the program!


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