Monday, October 31

halloween hilarity

took the girls trick-or-treating tonight in the new (old) neighborhood. they did pretty good, i think this year they finally "get it." there are a good number of houses decorated for the occasion, but nothing too scary. doesn't matter anyway, because the girls start screaming at the second house we go to because a dog was at the door. literally, ear-splitting, blood-curdling screams all because a tiny dog is excited that people are at the door. ooo-kayyy.

as we're walking along, we're talking about dogs and belly states, "bulilit is allergic to dogs." to which bulilit replies, "we don't eat dogs!"

after being out for about an hour and a half, belly asks if we can go home. bulilit protests, "no! i want to trick or treat!" so e and i split the girls up, he takes bulilit and belly and i start heading home.

Sunday, October 30

more funnies from the "blizzard" ...
  • e building a tiny snowman and putting it on the porch to save. belly comes up to it, pulls her knee to her chest and stomps on it. e asks, "why'd you stomp it?" and belly replies, "because it's funny."
  • bulilit to ami in the car after we played with snowballs, "you like balls!!"
  • belly making snowballs and throwing them, then yelling "BOOM! ANGRY BIRDS!" (maybe she was thinking of this?)

today, we had the redskins game on (don't ask me why .... sigh). belly, ever the politician, yells, "go redskins! go giants-skins!" (please note, the giants were not playing. it was the skins vs the bills. but the bills *are* blue just like the giants.) bulilit pipes in, "goooo basketball!!"

okay bulilit.

Saturday, October 29

the blizzard of october 2011

tweets from this day:

In other news, bulilit came up to me with snow in her hands, signature smirk on her face and said, 'I'm going to put this in your pants!'
I was wrong. There IS enough for a snowman.
yes, snow. In freaking October.
kids excited, they want to play in the ... trying to convince them there's not enough for a snowman.

Wednesday, October 26

one of the perks of a small town

excited. best way to describe belly and bulilit the day of our hometown parade. for all the years i've lived in vienna, we've never done the parade down maple avenue. of course, because the girls' preschool takes part in it, we decided to join in the fun. and so glad we did!

the parade route is only about a mile but belly was intrigued and ended up walking the entire way. (bulilit was pushed in the stroller.) along the route, they saw their teachers and their grandparents and i think they felt special with all of these people waving at them. literally, the street was lined up and down with a ton of people!!

we managed to DVR the parade on the local cable access channel, and it was fun for the kids to see themselves on television. for a couple days after the parade, bulilit would talk about how much she liked the "prade!! prade!!"

Tuesday, October 25

not my typical post

(almost) verbatim google talk conversation i had with my brother today.

me: random question..if you were a 4 year old kid, and you saw another kid who cried a lot, but when you asked her to play, she doesn't even reply, what would you think of her?

bro: [completely inappropriate word to describe a 4 year old]

me: my word exactly (ed. note, use your imagination)

bro: go cry by yourself in a corner then. lol

me: so how do i explain to belly that the other kids don't play with her or talk to her b/c she acts like a snobby [inappropriate word]?

bro: LOL.

bro: I thought she tried to go play with someone

me: no. she keeps talking about this one girl, but i don't think they're friends. i heard today her supposed friend asked belly to do something, and belly didn't even respond.

bro: nasty

me: i know right?!? no wonder the kids at school don't play with her!! and apparently today, every time she saw bulilit's teacher in the hall, she asked her, "how's bulilit? is bulilit ok?"and the teacher was like, "yes, bulilit's fine. how are YOU?"

Monday, October 24

shift in my identity

took belly to a classmate's house for a halloween playdate. when it was time for us to go, i hear,

kid 1: "excuse me, belly's mom? can belly have a playdate at my house?"

kid 2, whose house we were at: "me too! can belly come back and play at my house?"

Wednesday, October 12

the edge

so we're all laying in bed and bulilit notices she's on the edge of the bed. looks at me and says, "mommy, i don't want to be on the edge."

to which belly promptly breaks into song, "i'm on the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge... i'm on the edge of glory"

and apparently we have ami to thank for her knowledge of that song.