Monday, September 13

exhausting weekend

hmm. i really am not good at this blogging thing, huh?

it's 10:30 and i'm exhausted. e's been away since saturday morning on a well-deserved trip up to NJ/NY to see some friends and hit up the jay-z/eminem concert tonight. being a single parent is no joke! i miss my husband!! even with the help of my parents... i totally salute all you single moms and dads out there. i don't know how you do it.

sunday morning, hs bestie and i took a bikram yoga class. keep in mind that, while i did take ballet classes for about 8 months in the past year, i haven't really stepped inside a gym / worked out in a very. long. time. i figured, hey, it's yoga, it can't be that bad. nevermind that the room is 105 degrees and there are like 50 people in the room with you. talk about body heat. let's just say that i'm thankful i didn't have a stroke or pass out while i was in there for 100 minutes. and i was thankful for the cold, nice-smelling towel they gave us at the end of class.

on saturday, i took the girls to wee play for their drop in open gym. too bad we got there 20 minutes before it was closing. the girls LOVED it and when we left, belly said, "mommy, i want to come back here another time with daddy." awww...

mommy lowlight of the weekend. i was putting the girls down for a nap and belly was screaming in my face. so i punished her. badly. when i left the room to calm myself down, i heard both girls quiet down and then peeked my head in and bulilit was doing all sorts of silly things to make her big sister laugh. just about broke my heart.


Anonymous said...

my bff wants me to try that yoga with her...oh man....that sounds scary....

cindy said...

don't do it!! haha, i'm being overdramatic. but it was definitely rough. thought it'd be all zen and relaxing ... it was the complete opposite!!!!

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