Tuesday, September 20

The magic of play dough

Preschool Week 2 Report:
Woo hoo! Finally a day with no tears!

Belly had said Sunday night, "Mommy, I won't cry if Daddy drops me off. Only when you drop me off."

So Monday, Daddy drops her off and there are a few tears.

There's truth to the phrase, strength in numbers, and today proved that to be true for Belly. E walked both Bulilit and Belly in to school. Dropping off Bulilit to her classroom, he says, "Look, the play dough table!" and Bulilit heads straight for the table with a mere, "Bye" back to her dad and sister.

E walks Belly back to her classroom, helps her hang up her bag and coat and helps her wash hands, then gives a high five and a hug and NO TEARS!!!!!

I go to pick up Bulilit (30 min earlier than her sister, they're doing a whole graduated schedule with the 2s class) and she is totally fine, sitting nicely on the rug. Her teacher tells me that she was fine the whole time, stayed at the play dough table while a bunch of the other kids were crying. Apparently she'd look over at the criers, then turn her attention back to the play dough. Her teacher said it was like she didn't want to get involved with the group of kids who were crying, and that she really enjoyed music with Miss Anne.

One of the moms said when Bulilit went to wash her hands, she ran into her sister, and Belly waved and said hi, but was OKAY. Of course, Bulilit and I waited around until Belly was let out and Belly saw me in the hallway (I was hoping to hide, but was talking to another mom in the hallway). She was okay but definitely seemed to want to stay with me instead of go back to her classroom.

When she was dismissed, I checked in with Belly's teacher who said there were no tears at all! Let's just hope it continues. :)


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