what a weekend. first off, happy easter everyone! belly and bulilit helped me stuff the eggs for our annual easter egg hunt yesterday. well, belly actually helped and bulilit kept herself busy ripping open the candy bags and attempting to eat the chocolate. when all was said and done after the hunt, belly had 4 eggs and bulilit had 3. they're still too young to get it though, so candy and $1 bills made them very happy. (secretly, i wish i could be satisfied with candy and $1 bills.)
anyway, i'm off by a few days (again) and this post will actually be on the short side seeing as its 11:20pm on a sunday night after a very long and tiring weekend.
thursday - thankful for a good relationship with my boss. when you work virtually, it's sometimes hard to feel that team spirit and to feel like you're truly contributing something. but the team i work with and my boss in particular are fabulous, and i appreciate the support and understanding they've given me, all while doing something i enjoy doing.
friday - thankful for chipotle's vegetarian burrito bowl (my big meal on good friday!) and for time with my dad.
saturday - starbucks grande skim dark cherry mocha no whip; music on my phone; bathtime with the girls; my mom and my husband.
sunday - cousins.
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