Sunday, January 31

days 3 - 6

see? while i had all intentions of posting DAILY on this blog, real life reared its ugly head and got in the way. thanks to a combination of prepping for a baby shower i was hosting (which subsequently got postponed), taking care of a (still) sick baby, carting another one to ballet, figuring out what to do with my kids now that my nanny was put on bedrest for the duration of her pregnancy and driving all of us over to my parents' house since said nanny has my only set of house keys... YEAH. it's been that kind of week.

ANYWAYS... needless to say, the baby shower i was planning for our nanny is now postponed, bulilit (baby#2) is still sick and i swear she's got a faucet full of mucus constantly running (sorry, TMI) and we got a lovely 8" of snow this weekend. am i living in the NE? Oh no, it's northern VA. My bad.

so despite all of that, you'd think that I have nothing to be thankful for... but no no no! i promised myself i would find something -- any little, tiny thing -- to be thankful for EACH DAY and i am committed. so, without further delay, here are days 3-6 worth of thanks....

thursday, jan 28: went to the office today and am thankful for starbucks, and especially for trying something new (caramel macchiato with 1 splenda... yes, i know that drink is VERY OLD but i haven't had one since they first started making it)

friday, jan 29: took belly (baby#1) to a different ballet class, in hopes she would like this one better than our last class, and SUCCESS! the teacher is so much nicer, really relates to the kids and the movements they do is more like real ballet. also helps that she uses a lot of the same movements/tools that belly used in her very first ballet class last summer. so i'm thankful for miss leslie and her use of lily pads, baby barres, balance beams and trampolines!

saturday, jan 30: today, i'm thankful for the pilot, because without it, mom, belly and i wouldn't have been able to go to the mall and take advantage of old navy's 30% off the entire store sale. and belly is the proud owner of a new pair of wellies!

i'm also thankful for red velvet cheesecake from the cheesecake factory, a present from my sweet husband. he finally got to use his gift certificate for a massage today (present from belly and bulilit for father's day) and to thank us, he bought us cheesecake. MMMMM, nom nom nom.

sunday, jan 31: bulilit slept (almost) straight all night! yes, she still used me as her human pacifier, but there was no extended waking and mommy got to sleep for practically 9 hours. Interrupted sleep, per usual, but soooo much better than the past 2 weeks. here's to hoping it continues! (maybe the faucet is a good thing, if it means she'll sleep better at night!)

Wednesday, January 27

Sick and tired, literally

It's hard to be thankful when you feel like crap. When both kids are sick and pretty miserable.

But today I am thankful for a clean house and most especially for a husband who's had just as few hours of sleep as me (maybe even less!) but is still helpful with the kids and tells me to get sleep while he stays up with the baby.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod Touch

Tuesday, January 26

My 365 Days of Thanks - day 1

I hate new year's resolutions. I've made many in the past and almost always abandon them within weeks. This year, I want to make a conscious effort to be happier and appreciate all the blessings that I have, because I know there are many. And usually, the things that make me happiest each day are the little things.

I remember in high school, during sophomore retreat, we were given journals with inspirational quotes, pictures and the instruction to start a "happy list." I remember passing the journal around to friends, and receiving their journals, to create pages on whatever they wanted to share -- more quotes, memories of our friendship, recipes for cherry pie and collages. Seeing that journal now, all beat up, never fails to bring a smile to my face.

So I'm starting this blog to keep track of things I am grateful for everyday.

Today, January 26, I am thankful for:
  • email on my phone, so that I can check email while i'm in bed, nursing a sick baby